Overviews of Integrated Environmental Reports (IMJV) of operations subject to annual reporting requirements 2018


This layer contains an overview of all operations for which an Integrated Environmental Annual Report (IMJV) was submitted in 2018. For each operation there is a URI of Linked Open Data (LOD) fiche with an overview of the components and their download links of the IMJV annual report of the year 2018. The Integrated Environmental Annual Report (IMJV) is an annual report prepared by companies and institutions in Flanders to provide information on their environmental performance and measures. The IMJV aims to provide an overview of the impact of companies on the environment and how they deal with it. The IMJV shall include, inter alia, the following items: - A description of the company's activities; - An overview of emissions to air, water and soil; - The use of energy and raw materials; - Measures taken by the company to protect the environment; - The result of any environmental measures taken by the company; and - A description of the treatment of waste. The IMJV is submitted to the Flemish government and is an important tool to monitor and compare the environmental performance of companies. Based on the IMJV, the government can develop policies and encourage companies to improve their environmental performance.




  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Regional



File type

  • WFS
  • WMS
  • GML

Geo Coverage



  • https://metadata.omgeving.vlaanderen.be/srv/resources/datasets/MercatorNet-be65ef3e86-78c9-5ddb-9d62-11b5ea56ed5c
  • 65ef3e86-78c9-5ddb-9d62-11b5ea56ed5c


Open Data License Flanders