Land register plan - current situation

FPS Finance

Land register plan - current situation corresponds to the dataset of land register from the reference database for the land register data CadGIS. The land register plan is one of the elements that make up the patrimonial documentation. It is defined as “the graphic representation and assembling on a plan of all the cadastral plan parcels of the Belgian territory”. A plan parcel, such as defined in Article 2 of the Royal Decree of 30 July 2018, is a part of Belgian territory, geographically delimited and identified by the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation on the land register plan, which corresponds to the ground surface area of one or more patrimonial cadastral parcel(s) (real estate property as mentioned in Article 472 of the 1992 Income Tax Code in respect of which the cadastral income is fixed). This dataset corresponds to the current situation at the time of consultation. It is composed of fourteen geometric layers. The first five are the administrative units, namely the country, the regions, the provinces, the districts and the municipalities. The sixth and seventh layers correspond to the cadastral units, divisions and sections. the eighth layer includes the cadastral blocks, the ninth, the property stones, the tenth, the addresses, the eleventh, the polders and wateringues, the twelfth, the cadastral plan parcels, the thirteenth the buildings managed by the AGDP, and the fourteenth, buildings managed by the regions. The dataset is freely downloadable via the ad hoc WFS.




Public Sector



Geo Coverage


