Heat map 2019 - Existing heat networks (lines)

Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatagentschap

The 'Heat Map Flanders 2019' was commissioned by the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency to implement the EU Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency and the Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001. The main products are maps for 2019 for the territory of Flanders with the heat demand of the large and small consumers, results at the level of the municipalities and the statistical sectors, maps of the existing and planned heat networks and finally also locations of potential heat supply points. The study was carried out by VITO in collaboration with the distribution system operator Fluvius. You can consult the accompanying report here: https://www.energiesparen.be/heat map. For the year 2019, 58 existing heat networks in Flanders could be identified, or 92km in total (slot length). In this map layer 52 of them are mapped with their trajectory. The others are mapped with a point (see the map layer 'Existing heat networks 2019 (points)'. The map layer shall contain the following information for each heat network: name of the project, type of network, municipality, heat network operator, heat network supplier, supply to residential/industry/tertiary, temperature level, slot length, generators, amount of energy supplied to heat network, share of (non-)renewable (non-)residual heat, funding received, funding from which resources and finally whether an expansion of the network is planned. Heat network means the systems covered by the definition of heat or cold network in the Energy Decree, art. 1.1.3.,133/2°. For more background information, please refer to the Heat Map report.


  • Science and Technology
  • Regional

File type

  • WFS
  • WMS

Geo Coverage



  • https://metadata.omgeving.vlaanderen.be/srv/resources/datasets/642e4f70-3bd0-4259-9ddf-0b35fd2e7e6b
  • 642e4f70-3bd0-4259-9ddf-0b35fd2e7e6b


Open Data License Flanders