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Definition: the share of the population aged 16 and over that reports being more or less severely restricted in their usual activities due to a health problem. The data come from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey. The limitation in question must have been felt at least during the six months preceding the survey. The participants have a choice between three answers to the question on this limitation: not at all limited, limited, but not severely, or severely limited. The last two answers are added for this indicator. Statistics Belgium organises this EU-harmonised survey in Belgium and makes the results available, in particular to Eurostat. The data used here for Belgium come directly from Statistics Belgium and the data used for comparison with the rest of the EU come from Eurostat. Since these data are based on surveys, a margin of uncertainty must be taken into account. The confidence intervals for these data are available on request from Statistics Belgium.
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