Mapped landslides

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

The map contains as complete an inventory as possible of landslides observable in the landscape in a study area located west of Brussels, in the south of the provinces of West Flanders, East Flanders and Flemish Brabant. This concerns both very old landslides of post-glacial origin integrated into the landscape and relatively young landslides whose initiation date is known (sometimes approximately). The 'young' landslides may have arisen within a larger, old landslide (local reactivation) or at an unaffected (not in the past affected by landslide) location. Most landslides are still subject to movement, visible to, for example, skewed trees. The mapping of the landslides was done through a combination of terrain prospecting and analysis of shadow maps derived from the digital elevation model based on laser scanning or LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging; OC GIS-Vlaanderen, 2005).

From / till

1999-12-31 - 2011-05-01


  • Science and Technology
  • Regional



File type

  • WFS
  • WMS
  • KML
  • GML

Geo Coverage





Open Data License Flanders