% of dwellings built between 2016 and 2020

François Ghesquiere

The indicator counts, on 1 January 2011 and 1 January 2021, conventional dwellings according to the year of construction of the building. Collective housing (e.g. a nursing home) and non-conventional housing (e.g. a mill) are not included in the indicator. On the other hand, empty dwellings (housing under construction, second residence, etc.) are taken into account. The definition of housing in the Census is also a broader one than that in the cadastre because some dwellings not recognized in the cadastre were identified as such in the Census, often in situations where it was assumed that a single-family house (so recorded in the cadastre) was actually divided into apartments. Note that the few dwellings whose building age is indeterminate are well included in the denominator but not in the numerator. Some indicators of the theme are also available by statistical sectors on the website of the "[\2](\1)". Infra-municipal data are not yet available for 2021. Note: The housing indicators derived from the Census are constructed from the crossing of several databases (the national register, the previous census carried out by survey of the entire population in 2001, the cadastre, etc.).





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