Ground mechanical map 14.6.5 Gent-Desteldonk

Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (MOW) - Afdeling Geotechniek

The soil mechanical maps were drawn up by the Centre for Soil Mechanical Mapping of Ghent University and the Working Group or Commission for Soil Mechanical Mapping (several authors) and published under the auspices of the National Institute for Soil Mechanics. Quote from the explanatory texts to the ground mechanical maps: "The soil mechanical maps respond to a need for a summary of those components of the geological environment that play a role in land use and influence the design, construction and maintenance of buildings. However, the data provided should not be given absolute accuracy due to the interpolations made when compiling them. The maps provide information on the general geological and soil mechanical condition of the subsoil as it can be deduced from the tests available at the time of the mapping. They are therefore only guiding documents and the authors cannot be held responsible for their possible applications. The soil mechanical maps can in no way exempt the user from performing additional tests in function of well-defined projects." Explanation text Grondmechanische kaart 14.6.5 Gent-Desteldonk (D. Desmet and I. Bolle under the leadership of E. De Beer, W. De Breuck and W. Van Impe).

From / till

1993-01-01 - 1993-12-31


  • Environment
  • Science and Technology
  • Regional

File type

  • SHP
  • GDB
  • TIFF

Geo Coverage



  • 1786b937-9645-4ae7-b70f-de613bc3f771