G3Dv2_0202, fractures in base Fm of Kattendijk and Kasterlee

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

This layer shows the location of the modeled fractures in the base of the Fm van Kattendijk and Kasterlee. Most fractures occur in the deep subsurface, with the number of fractures going higher up in the stratigraphy systematically decreasing with decreasing depth. In the Devonian and Carboniferous, therefore, an important number of fractures occur, in the Cretaceous already fewer, in the Paleogene and Neogenic this number decreases even further and in the Quaternary only a few important fractures occur (especially in and around the Roerdalslenk) that are related to deep (er) fractures. The Geological 3D model was drawn up in the framework of the management agreement of the Flemish government with VITO, under the name VLAKO, on behalf of the department LNE - Department of Land and Soil Protection, Subsurface, Natural Resources.



From / till

2004-04-01 - 2011-08-01


  • Science and Technology
  • Regional

File type

  • WFS
  • WMS
  • KML

Geo Coverage





Open Data License Flanders