DSI - Complex Projects - Contours

Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving

This dataset contains the digital vector version of all final approved contours of the complex projects. The suspensions and annulments of the Council of State have also been incorporated. Each plan is defined by its contour. This outline concerns the geometric enveloping of all the containing layers of the plan. It has been conceptually decided to draw a buffer around any line elements that do not occur within a base plane in order to allow them to be included within the enveloping contour. At this plan contour layer, the administrative data of the plan are included in the attributes. The outlines are available in this dataset insofar as they have already been uploaded by the relevant board, which owns the data and is responsible for the content.


  • Environment
  • Regional



File type

  • WFS
  • WMS

Geo Coverage



  • https://metadata.omgeving.vlaanderen.be/srv/resources/datasets/MercatorNet-be0487d95c-3bc0-59cc-95da-629bcccfaffa
  • 0487d95c-3bc0-59cc-95da-629bcccfaffa


Open Data License Flanders